Monday, April 2, 2012

A Little Catching Up...

     It has been quite crazy  the last couple weeks, to say the least! We did a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser for the Youth Group at our church, Michael and I headed that up, but had a lot of great help....Michael sold a lot of donuts at the hospital where he works, so the day came to deliver them all. Marcus and Mandy came help, and then there was Michael and I. If everybody was healthy it would not have been a big deal, however, that was not the case. Marcus is still recovering from a bad concussion back in December and was having a rough day physically, and Michael had woke up that morning with Bells Palsy, so the left side of his face was completely paralyzed....We must have been a sight! It made for a lot of laughs and great memories!!
     We have been having outstanding services the past few weeks at church. A very real sense of God's presence and amazing sermons too!! However, we have also seen and sensed the Devil fighting...
     Also, last week out dear neighbors lost their house in a fire. Thankfully it did not burn to the ground, but they lost pretty much everything. Right now there is not much we can do to help, but I am sure in the next while there will be.
     I am anxious to plant our garden! However, it needs to be done one more time with a tractor before we can till it and our neighbor is the one who does it, so considering the circumstances, I am just being thankful!! I did get some planters done though.:)
    Michael's Sister and Brother-in-Law, Debbie & Nathan came for a little visit and we got to "see" Baby Watkins. :) I think that pretty much bring us up to speed for the most part.....

The plants in the middle are white petunias.

PS. Stay tuned for another book give away soon.... :)

1 comment:

Laura Engle said...

You all are always havin' such times of it! Wow, well at least you are keeping a positive attitude:)
By the way, I really need to just sit down and give you a jingle sometime soon. I have neglected you so in the last while:(